If you happen to be a frequent traveler or if you are frequently in touch with other people based on different parts of the Globe, EarthTime may make your life a bit easier. This free utility will show you a satellite view of the world together with useful information about the time, the time zone, the date, and the current weather conditions of a series of cities of your choice.
The program offers ample room for customization. As far as the map is concerned, you can choose to see the clouds or not. Note that those clouds are not just decorative – they reflect the current and true weather conditions in a given area, according to satellite information that updates regularly. The map also shows the day and night areas in real time, and for those interested in aerodrome reports, METAR information is also provided for the location selected. It is a pity that you can’t zoom in or out on the map to see a certain location in more detail.
As for the cities, the program opens with seven default capital cities from various continents, but you can always make your own selection. The program offers you a database with more than 140,000 cities from all around the world for you to choose from. Regrettably, you cannot add new locations to the list, i.e. using GPS coordinates. Finally, this useful tool will let you create alarms associated to specific cities.
EarthTime is free, easy to set up and customize, and extremely useful. It won’t eat up your PC resources, and will provide you with updated and interesting information instead.